Kamis, 23 Januari 2020


       Once upon a time once upon a time there was an island called miraculous that there was a uniqueness on that island that island also had a race other than the human race that were fairies, orcs, giants, dwarves, goddesses, and demons before BC there was a huge war on the island until every day every day race must be reduced because of great war except the race of goddess and devil because the race of goddess never descended on the battlefield not because of fear because they did not want to hurt other races besides the demon race because the race of devils and goddesses never got along because of different opinions the race of goddesses only wanted peace while the demon race only wants destruction from the demon race there are 7 strongest demons namely
lucifer (pride),mammon (gride)asmodeus (lust)leviathan (envy)beelzebub (glutony)satan (wrath)belphegor (sloth)
while the goddess clan namely
 zeus, poseidon,hades,apollo,ares,artemis,athena,hermes,hera
war still flares to and fro at that time the demon race began to descend to war and attack all races and eradicate all the races on the island when the devil entered the war there was not a single race that could win from the war except the demon race that blindly blind in the war and the goddess race who did not want to join the war but at the time of the war occurred one king of the human race named Perseus with his intelligence he told all races to join the race against the devil race only 2 races that accept to join the fight against the devil namely dwarves and orcs at that time the fairy race did not want join because they still have a grudge against all races and finally the fairy race also asked that one on one with the human race if he was able to hold his words the beginning of his perseus denied and said "it's my brother we must end this war so that the future of the island is peaceful and there is no lack of race anymore "the fairy king also denied" you think deng an easy to accept your request do you know who started this war your race who started your race must be extinct 'while showing his fairy sword to Perseus' "" well I accept your challenge "perseus answered the battle began all human races, the dwarf race, the fairy race watching and who has the right to say those words the sound of the sword is getting louder the debt is getting tense and everyone is cheering to support their leader susana while hot and the fairy king has been cornered

Kamis, 09 Januari 2020


During the holiday, I'm really bored because I did not go anywhere, I just wake up, take a shower, help clean the house because my mother worked at the shop and during the day I when to the store and helped my mother and it was boring holiday, at the time my parents and his friend went to Ciwiday I was upset because I wasn't invited to go Ciwiday, finally on Saturday my best friend of junior high school invited me to go,  but I don't know where to go and after long time deciding, we finally know what to go, when we want to go there is a friend of mine who wants to come he hold us to go to a place called EatBoss, after we arrived and waited for a long time our friend was really annoying because we waited so long it could reach 30 minutes and after that we immediately went to Lembang which is one of our destinations, at the time of our trip it was really crazy because orde to reach the destination quickly, when we were in Lembang we didn't know where to go we were confused at first wanting to go the cafe but we were confused too many cafes in the early Lembang we chose a cafe called Tahura but in our opinion the cafe was less attractive so we wanted a more comfortable place to chat, joking and play and finally we know what cafe we want to call the coffe armor,a after we arrived we ordered food and drinks that we chose or we wanted and we were asked "

Kamis, 31 Oktober 2019


Komodo dragons, also called Komodo dragons (Varanus komodoensis), are large lizard species found on Komodo Island, Rinca, Flores, Gili Motang, and Gili Dasami in East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. These monitor lizards are also referred to by the indigenous people of the island of Komodo ora. 

I chose the Komodo dragon because he lives on the archipelago island of Indonesia and the Komodo dragon also has a running speed and has a strong skin in the other Komodo dragons.

:balu, gray and black
The main 
food source
Life expectancy
:50 years
Habitat Translate
:Komodo Island, Rinca, Flores Island, Gili Motang and Gili Dasami
:1.5 m
70 kg

Their large bodies and terrible reputation make them one of the most famous animals in the world. Now, the actual habitat of the Komodo dragon has dwindled due to human activities, so the IUCN institution includes the Komodo dragon as a species that is vulnerable to extinction. Komodo dragons have been designated as animals that are protected by the Indonesian government and their habit is turned into a national park, the Komodo National Park, whose purpose was established to protect them.

PPT: Click Here

Kamis, 26 September 2019

Tuanku imam bonjol born in Bonjol, Pasaman, West Sumatra, Indonesia, 1772 - died in exile and was buried in Lotta, Pineleng, Minahasa, 6 November 1864) was one of the ulama, leaders and fighters who fought the Dutch in a war known as war. the name of the Padri War in 1803-1838. Tuanku Imam Bonjol was appointed as the National Hero of Indonesia based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 087 / TK / 1973, November 6, 1973. The real name of Tuanku Imam Bonjol is Muhammad Shahab, who was born in Bonjol on January 1, 1772. He is the son of the couple Bayanuddin Shahab (father) and Hamatun (mother). His father, Khatib Bayanuddin Shahab, was a religious teacher from the Rimbang River, Suliki, Lima Puluh Kota. As a scholar and leader of the local community, Muhammad Shahab obtained several titles, namely Peto Syarif, Malin Basa, and Tuanku Imam. Tuanku nan Renceh from Kamang, Agam as one of the leaders of the Tiger and Salapan was the one who appointed him as the Imam (leader) for the Padri in Bonjol. He was eventually better known as Tuanku Imam Bonjol. One of the original manuscripts is in the Archives Service and West Sumatra Province Library, Jalan Diponegoro No.4 Padang, West Sumatra. The manuscript can be read and studied at the Office of Archives and Library of West Sumatra Province.

Berkas:Portret van Tuanku Imam Bonjol.jpg

Padri War
Main article: Padri War
Undeniably, the Padri War left a heroic and traumatic memory in the nation's memory. During the first 18 years of the war (1803-1821) practically those who fought were Minang and Mandailing or Batak people in general.

At first the emergence of this war was based on the desire among the ulama leaders in the kingdom of Pagaruyung to implement and implement Islamic law in accordance with the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah (Sunni) which held fast to the Qur'an and the Sunnahs of Rasullullah shalallahu 'alaihi wasallam. Then the cleric leader who joined the Tiger and Salapan asked Tuanku Lintau to invite the Yang Perttuan Pagaruyung along with the Indigenous People to abandon some habits that were not in accordance with Islam (bid'ah).

In some negotiations there was no agreement between the Padri (naming the ulama) and the Indigenous Peoples. Along that time in several villages in the kingdom of Pagaruyung turbulent, and until finally the Padri under the leadership of Tuanku Pasaman attacked Pagaruyung in 1815, and fighting broke out in Koto Tangah near Batu Sangkar. Sultan Arifin Muningsyah was forced to flee the royal capital to Lubukjambi.

Hanifan Yudani Kusumah

.Hanifan Yudani Kusumah (born October 25, 1997) is an Indonesian fighter. He won a gold medal at the 2018 Asian Games, having previously won a bronze medal at the 2017 SEA Games

Hanifan was born in Bandung, West Java on October 25, 1997. His father Dani Wisnu was a fighter and participated in national training in 2005, and had started training Hanifan pencak silat when Hanifan was in grade 2 elementary school. Ms. Hanifan, Dewi Yanti Kosasih is also a fighter who has competed in international competitions. Later, Hanifan joined the Silat Tadjimalela College.
Hasil gambar untuk lambang tadjimalela
4 agustus 1974
Raden Djajat Koesoemah Dinata

He first participated in the competition in 2010, when he won a silver medal in competitions between Tadjimalela students in Banten, West Java and Jakarta. In the 2016 National Sports Week, Hanifan won a gold medal. That same year, Hanifan won the silat world championship in Denpasar.
In 2017, Hanifan also won a gold medal at the 2017 Belgium Open tournament. In the 2017 SEA Games, Hanifan won a silver medal.
Hanifan was part of the Indonesian contingent in the 2018 Asian Games, where he joined class C (55-60 kg). On 29 August, he defeated Vietnamese Thai fighter Nguyễn Linh 3-2 to win the 29th gold for the Indonesian contingent and the 13th of the martial arts branch.

After receiving the gold medal, Hanifan headed to the VIP section where Indonesian President Joko Widodo and Prabowo Subianto, as heads of the Indonesian Pencak Silat Association, were present. After shaking hands with vice president Jusuf Kalla, Hanifan embraced Jokowi and Prabowo while covered in the Indonesian flag, causing the audience to clap and cheer. Jokowi and Prabowo will compete in the 2019 presidential election, and the embrace is seen as a symbol of national unity. ] The photo of the hug was then downloaded to Jokowi's Instagram account and liked more than 1 million times,  and became a trending topic on Twitter.

Hanafi is an Indonesian biker in the closing ceremony of the Asian Games. Shortly after the Asian Games, Hanifan married fellow Indonesian martial arts athlete Pipiet Kamelia, with Youth and Sports Minister Imam Nahrawi as a witness.



PPT: Click Here

Kamis, 12 September 2019

Hasil gambar untuk poster event olahraga
The Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Economics will hold a 2015 PORSI (Sports and Action Week) with the theme WARRIORS "Willing, Able and Ready to Meet Indefinite Obstacles to Reach unxpected to goalS." On 11-26 November 2015 at the Sports Field Lt. 8 Block D Campus II Tarumanagara University.

In addition, there will also be an Exhibition Sponsor on November 16-18 at the Tarumanagara University Campus II Parking Lot.

Get a total prize of tens of millions of rupiah!

Immediately register yourself on the Lt. 1 Hall BC Campus 2 Tarumanagara University!


  • DotA Competition: 11-13 November 2015
  • Futsal Competition: 12-26 November 2015
  • Dance Competition: November 16 2015
  • 3 × 3 Competition: November 23-26, 2015
  • 9 Balls: 13-15 November 2015
  • Badminton: November 21-23, 2015

Kamis, 01 Agustus 2019


ASSALAMUALAIKUM, Hello, guys welcome to my new blog let me intro duce my self, my name is Muhammad Heza, my age 15 years old, i was born in the padang, i was one of the 3 high school student in bandung