Kamis, 26 September 2019

Tuanku imam bonjol born in Bonjol, Pasaman, West Sumatra, Indonesia, 1772 - died in exile and was buried in Lotta, Pineleng, Minahasa, 6 November 1864) was one of the ulama, leaders and fighters who fought the Dutch in a war known as war. the name of the Padri War in 1803-1838. Tuanku Imam Bonjol was appointed as the National Hero of Indonesia based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 087 / TK / 1973, November 6, 1973. The real name of Tuanku Imam Bonjol is Muhammad Shahab, who was born in Bonjol on January 1, 1772. He is the son of the couple Bayanuddin Shahab (father) and Hamatun (mother). His father, Khatib Bayanuddin Shahab, was a religious teacher from the Rimbang River, Suliki, Lima Puluh Kota. As a scholar and leader of the local community, Muhammad Shahab obtained several titles, namely Peto Syarif, Malin Basa, and Tuanku Imam. Tuanku nan Renceh from Kamang, Agam as one of the leaders of the Tiger and Salapan was the one who appointed him as the Imam (leader) for the Padri in Bonjol. He was eventually better known as Tuanku Imam Bonjol. One of the original manuscripts is in the Archives Service and West Sumatra Province Library, Jalan Diponegoro No.4 Padang, West Sumatra. The manuscript can be read and studied at the Office of Archives and Library of West Sumatra Province.

Berkas:Portret van Tuanku Imam Bonjol.jpg

Padri War
Main article: Padri War
Undeniably, the Padri War left a heroic and traumatic memory in the nation's memory. During the first 18 years of the war (1803-1821) practically those who fought were Minang and Mandailing or Batak people in general.

At first the emergence of this war was based on the desire among the ulama leaders in the kingdom of Pagaruyung to implement and implement Islamic law in accordance with the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah (Sunni) which held fast to the Qur'an and the Sunnahs of Rasullullah shalallahu 'alaihi wasallam. Then the cleric leader who joined the Tiger and Salapan asked Tuanku Lintau to invite the Yang Perttuan Pagaruyung along with the Indigenous People to abandon some habits that were not in accordance with Islam (bid'ah).

In some negotiations there was no agreement between the Padri (naming the ulama) and the Indigenous Peoples. Along that time in several villages in the kingdom of Pagaruyung turbulent, and until finally the Padri under the leadership of Tuanku Pasaman attacked Pagaruyung in 1815, and fighting broke out in Koto Tangah near Batu Sangkar. Sultan Arifin Muningsyah was forced to flee the royal capital to Lubukjambi.

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